Safety of Water from a Garden Hose

When you picture summer images in your head you often picture a child drinking water spraying from a garden hose in that “relaxed, freedoms of summer” images we think of.  Is this ever a good idea?  Garden Hose Safety

Personally we don’t drink the tap water due to the fluoride and drug residue contents they all have. However, are there extra risks if it is coming from the hose? There are.

Aside from the obvious bacteria concept of older hoses there are issues with brand new hoses and drinking water.  When tested all hoses contained phthalates.  Which are chemicals that are added to PVC’s to keep them flexible. Phthalates are known to lower IQ’s, cause birth defects, reproductive harm and hormone imbalances. Some hoses contain bromine and antimony, which can lead to kidney and liver damage.  BPA and lead are more unwelcome ingredients you may find in your garden hose.  Lead has been known to lower IQ’s. In addition to the plastic portion of the hose, there is the metal end. Metal ends of hoses do not have the same guidelines as faucets. Often outdoor faucets are brass and contain lead. When possible, nickel is a safer choice over brass.

Some hoses are labeled to be “drink safe” but bacteria can still be growing in the sitting water of that hose.

The sun and temperature also play a role. Much like you shouldn’t drink from plastic water bottles that are heated in the car, your hose will also leach more BPA when heated. Store your hose in the shade or in a shed when possible.

Last, don’t forget about your garden! If you are using that same hose to water your organic garden you may be spraying your fruits and veggies with BPA, lead and phthalates. If you don’t have a rubber or polyurethane hose you may want to think about replacing it.


Garden Hose Safety


Toxic Toothbrushes

Continuing with our oral health info-another one I was late to the party with: toothbrushes. The bonus is toothbrushes get replaced Toxic Toothbrushesoften and are fairly inexpensive so it’s an easy swap you can make in the future with a little info.

What may be in your toothbrush even fresh from the package? 

PVC plastics contain Phthalates. As we have learned phthalates are known to increase breast cancer cells, asthma, allergies, infertility and decreased sperm counts. It is difficult to avoid them entirely since they are in so many things, however cutting down every little bit helps.

Another toxin you will find is BPA. Unfortunately if you see BPA free please remember the BPA replacement has proven to be more toxic. This issue is seldom addressed since there isn’t an actual solution aside eliminating plastic). BPA has shown to have links to high blood pressure and have effects on the brain, prostate. One of the issues with BPA is that it breaks down when heated. If you are sterilizing your toothbrush in any form that may heat it up you are better off tossing it and getting a new toothbrush.


Personally I like the bamboo toothbrushes. The downfall to this is that if you have more than one person in your family you need a way to make them. Colored nail polish on the handle, or washi tape seem to work. My younger kids seem anti bamboo toothbrush so we have done well with the radius toothbrush. (I have found them at iherb  ( or Whole Foods.

The Soft Landing also put together a nice list of other options that are safer than what you may be getting free at your last dentist appointment.

Toxic Toothbrushes